You are probably frustrated with all of the contradictions about health care in the news. You may even wonder if your doctor understands as much as you do about nutrition and disease prevention. Concern over the continual controversy even among health care specialists became my impetus for finding out for myself what to believe. I’ve always liked teaching, so for much of my career I’ve worked at university-based hospitals and medical schools where I thought I was pretty up on the latest trends in medical care. Yet, my patients often knew more about nutrition and natural methods for promoting health and preventing disease than I did. Once I began a serious search, I discovered that lifestyle was a major predictor of health and that as an emergency physician, I was doing almost everything wrong. In fact, my working in hectic and stressful emergency departments and trauma centers with the associated dysfunctional sleep, erratic eating and inconsistent exercise for over 30 years was accelerating my likelihood of disease and death. I’m hopeful that my desire to change has not come too late in my life to be of benefit–I don’t think it has. Regardless, I hope to reach you in time to make a difference in your lives by optimizing your health. To this end, I gained additional training and board certification in Integrative Medicine in 2013 and have been applying the principles with increasing success ever since.
I am now one of those traditionally trained MDs who knows more than most MDs about natural, holistic or comparative medical methods–but not as much as a naturopathic physician might know. Yet, most naturopathic physicians are lacking in the traditional training and experience I’ve been fortunate to acquire over the past 30 years of evaluating and treating thousands of patients. I have come to peace with the realization that I do not need to know everything about Integrative Medicine before starting my clinic–or I’d never know enough to start it. I’d like to think that I’ll be able to make a difference as I focus on one patient at a time.
My intention for this website is to provide useful information that– if applied– would assist you to better health. If I am successful in this endeavor, you may find a formal consultation with me unnecessary. What is important is that you begin today to take charge of your own health. Pick something you feel you can change. Don’t try to do everything all at once or you’ll drive yourself crazy and be more likely to give up. I think you’ll find that if you focus upon improving your lifestyle to be a little more in line with optimal health–that will be enough. Your small successes will begin to add up all the while moving you toward a happier, more productive and enlightened life.
While I may not have all the answers, I may have just the answers you’ve been looking for. If you don’t find what you need on my website or with your primary care provider, come see me at my Integrative Medicine clinic in Spring City, Utah, and I’ll do whatever I can to help you optimize your health. After your consultation with me, you will be encouraged to follow back with your primary care provider. Meanwhile, if you have a quick question and are not quite sure of what to do, email me at, and I’ll help get you pointed in the right direction. Cheers!